Joseph Campbell

“If you want to change the

world, change the metaphor.

Change the story.”

I Have been doing photography for 45 years+. The insatiable desire to explore what it means to see Is a primary way to engage with what it means to be. I am also a psychotherapist where I have learned that images and imagination are the fundamental way mind/body/ and spirit mutually experience and share poetic truth. This is truth about meanings and feelings rather than mere facts. As I meander and wander through the backroads of northern Wisconsin every Autumn with various compatriots, we are involved in the serious play of hunting… for BEAUTY. As Keats told us in Ode on a Grecian urn: “Truth is beauty and beauty truth. That is all you can know in this life and all you need to know”. The advent of digital photography applications has expanded the photographers palette exponentially. This a thrilling opportunity for the serious photographer and I feel immensely blessed to have and use this resource. Recently the A.I. capabilities have been included and are prevalent here in this work. However, it is claimed that this is no longer photography. To me, it does not matter. What matters is the creation of evocative images which, for me at least, has been achieved. I invite you to join me in the dance of multiple meanings that emerge from attunement to what your mind and heart compose in response.

All photographs on this website are the exclusive property of Christopher Gough. They are presented here for viewing purposes only and may not be copied, reproduced, distributed, or used in any form without explicit written permission from the photographer. Please respect the creative work and enjoy the art responsibly.